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Angelique, Mary Day & Lewis R. French Windjammers Host Open House for Tourism Community

Ever wanted to see what a windjammer looks like below decks? Tour three Camden windjammers on June 1, 3:30-5pm

Rockland, ME – The Camden-based members of the Maine Windjammer Association including the Schooner Mary Day, Schooner Lewis R. French and Windjammer Angelique, are opening their decks, galleys and cabins so the Midcoast Maine tourism community can get an up-close-and-personal view of these windjammers. Mark the calendar for June 1 to visit these Camden based windjammers from 3:30-5:00pm. The Maine Windjammer Association knows that those working in the tourism community are often asked about what it’s like to be on a windjammer.

Here’s your chance to get a first-hand look and tour of these majestic boats.

The Mary Day, Lewis R. French and Angelique Open Houses are geared toward people working in visitors booths, hotels, motels and inns, in retail, restaurants and other tourism-related jobs. Knowing it’s not uncommon to get questions about windjammer cruises, the Open House offers the chance to tour these three majestic boats and ask questions of the captains and crew.

The three Camden-based members of the Maine Windjammer Association are docked at the head of Camden Harbor. Access their dock from Atlantic Ave in Camden.

The Rockland-based Maine Windjammer Association captains encourage those interested in learning more to stop by either North End Shipyard or Windjammer Wharf and request a tour when the boats are at the dock. Right now, during the busy fit-out season – tours are not available, however after Memorial Day weekend all boats will be painted and ready for cruising season.

Tourism community – Mark the calendar for June 1, 3:30-5:00pm for your chance to tour the Lewis R. French, Angelique and Mary Day. Here’s your chance to get to know the accommodations on these three boats, among the fleet of the Maine Windjammer Association. For questions, contact

Category: Press Releases

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